Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
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Modern police services operate in a constantly evolving social, political, and legal environment and face evolving legal needs and challenges as a result. The law governing police services and individual officers is unique and grants citizens a variety of opportunities to raise concerns about officer conduct, or concerns about police policy and service delivery. The working environment of a police service is also unique in terms of the human resources-related issues that arise.  Field Law has represented major municipal police services in all aspects of their legal needs. 

The lawyers in our group constantly monitor new developments in policing and police law so that we can provide advice that anticipates and avoids legal problems. Field Law’s services include:

  • Representing chiefs of police in Law Enforcement Review Board proceedings
  • Acting as Presenting Officers at police disciplinary hearings
  • Addressing civil claims efficiently, and bringing an integrated approach to multiple overlapping proceedings
  • Defending civil claims brought against police services or its members
  • Representing police services in their capacity as employer addressing labour and employment matters such as grievances, human rights complaints, developing organizational policy and strategy, and generally managing their workforce
  • Court applications for third-party records held by police services
  • Privacy disputes, including acting on behalf of a police service in inquiries and related judicial review applications
  • Representing police services at fatality inquiries
  • Preparing and reviewing internal policies and procedures
  • Providing general advice to Professional Standards Branches on regulatory, policy and investigation issues

Police services’ legal issues can arise very suddenly and require immediate action. Our Labour + Employment Group includes team members with specialized experience in these areas focused on police services, and we have extensive experience in helping to successfully manage their issues in a timely and efficient manner. We work hard to ensure that the organization’s interests are well served and protected in all cases.

Fossen v Edmonton (Police Service), 2023 ABLERB 4
Blackburn v Edmonton Police Service, 2024 AHRC 66
Tesfay v Edmonton (Police Service), 2023 ABLERB 13
Tesfay v Edmonton (Police Service), 2023 ABLERB 14
El Hallak v Edmonton (Police Service), 2023 ABLERB 2
Cass v Edmonton (Police Commission), 2022 ABLERB 18
Edmonton Police Service v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2022 ABCA 397
Tesfay v Edmonton (Police Service), 2022 ABLERB 5
Edmonton Police Service v Alberta (Information and Privacy Commissioner), 2021 ABCA 428
MN v Edmonton (Police Service), 2021 ABLERB 25
Chodkiewicz v Chief of Police of the Edmonton Police Service and Edmonton Police Association, 2021 AHRC 131
Snaychuk v Edmonton (City), 2021 ABQB 295
Kaufmann v Edmonton (City) Police Service, 2019 ABCA 272
Edmonton Police Service v Edmonton Police Service, 2019 CanLII 9456 (AB GAA)
Edmonton (City) v Edmonton Police Association, 2018 CanLII 53483 (AB GAA)
Edmonton (Police Service) v Edmonton Police Association, 2018 CanLII 2383 (AB GAA)
Edmonton Police Association v Edmonton (City), 2017 CanLII 82917 (AB GAA)
May v. 1986855 Alberta Ltd, 2017 ABQB 617
McCarthy v. Schindeler, 2017 ABQB 511
Deluca v. Alberta (Law Enforcement Review Board), 2017 ABCA 252
Edmonton Police Service (City Of Edmonton) v Edmonton Police Association, 2017 CanLII 50787 (AB GAA)
KS v. Yakabuski, 2017 ABQB 252
IJ v. Alberta (Law Enforcement Review Board), 2016 ABCA 234
Edmonton Police Association v Edmonton Police Service, 2016 CanLII 49172 (AB GAA)
Edmonton Police Association v Edmonton Police Service, 2016 CanLII 11571 (AB LRB)
Weber v Edmonton (Police Service), 2014 ABLERB 47
Land v. Law Enforcement Review Board, 2013 ABCA 435
Smith v Chief of Police of the Edmonton Police Service, 2013 CanLII 78548
Camrose (Police Service) v MacDonald, 2013 ABCA 225
MacDonald v Chief of Police, 2013 CanLII 27265 (AB LERB)
Edmonton (Police Service) v. Alberta (Law Enforcement Review Board), 2011 ABCA 288