Estate Administration
Estate Administration
News + Views + Events

The administration of a loved one’s affairs after his or her death can be a complicated and overwhelming process. Many people who are named as estate trustees or executors in a Will have no training or experience in the role. The process of estate administration may seem straightforward; however, technical requirements imposed by various pieces of legislation must be met.

We work closely with you to guide you through the duties and responsibilities as an estate trustee. If complications arise, we will be there to support you and help you navigate these issues. We can assist in:

  • Interpreting a Will or trust
  • Estate probate
  • Estate trustee compensation
  • Distribution of assets to beneficiaries
  • Estate litigation

Duties of a Personal Representative

The personal representative of an estate, also known as the administrator or executor, has many responsibilities, including:

  • Gathering in and safeguarding the assets of the estate
  • Paying the debts of the deceased and estate
  • Distributing assets to beneficiaries
  • Filing the deceased's final tax return and estate returns
  • Cancelling the deceased's charge accounts and subscriptions
  • Informing government agencies, such as Canada Pension Plan, about the death
  • Preparing an estate accounting for the beneficiaries

Consulting with a lawyer early in the estate administration will ensure that the administration proceeds timely and efficiently, eliminating liability, stress and frustration.

March 13, 2025
Understanding Wills + Estate Planning
In the Bow Valley, we know the importance of planning for the future - whether it’s mapping out a hike or ensuring your family’s security for years to come.Field Law and RBC Dominion Securities invite you to join us for a seminar and networ...
February 28, 2023
Tips + Resources for Charities and Non-Profits as Estate Beneficiaries
Join Field Law’s Wills, Estates + Trusts Group for a complimentary lunch seminar designed to assist charities and non-profit organizations and their staff with an understanding of estate administration laws and procedures so as to better ass...
August 2022 - 3 min read
Do You Own a Business? You Need a Good Estate Plan
Up Here Business Magazine
Estate planning isn’t a fun topic, but it’s essential. That’s especially true for business owners, from sole proprietorships to corporations. Be sure your final plans meet your hopes and expectations for your business—for the sa...
March 2020 - 2 min read
A Question of Priorities (If You Want to Administer an Estate)
Appointing a personal representative is one of the first substantive things addressed in a Will and one of the key choices a person can make with respect to their estate plan. When a person dies without a will, someone must apply to the Court to obtain...
December 2019
No Life After Death: Woman Loses Battle to Use Deceased Husband’s Sperm
Surviving spouse loses fight to use reproductive material taken from deceased husband due to lack of consent.  In L.T. v D.T. Estate (Re), 2019 BCSC 2130, the BC Supreme Court dealt with a difficult and challenging application advanced by a s...
May 2019
Act On Your Legal Obligations to Avoid Post-Death Disputes
A recent case from the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Birnie v Birnie, 2019 ONSC 2152, has several important lessons for Canadians when it comes to estate planning.  The case is an important reminder to be aware of your existing legal obligati...