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Discipline Tribunal Essentials: Advanced Skills

Members of regulated professions who serve on discipline tribunals must navigate an increasingly complex environment when fulfilling their role under their governing statutes.

Join Jason Kully and Francesca Ghossein from Field Law’s Professional Regulatory group for the second installment of our half-day virtual workshop series. Participants in this advanced workshop will engage in scenarios designed to address more complex issues in hearings, including:

  • Self-represented members of the profession
  • Preliminary applications
  • Bias and fairness issues
  • Evidentiary issues
  • Consequences of delay in the proceedings
  • Balancing the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • Joint submissions on sanctions

Who should attend? This virtual workshop is specifically designed for members of discipline tribunals in any Canadian jurisdiction who attended the Fundamental Skills workshop, or who already have some experience serving on a Discipline Tribunal. Staff of regulatory organizations who work in the discipline area are also welcome to attend.

Date: September 10, 2024

Questions? Contact Kate at