2022 - A Year in Review: Labour + Employment (Part 2)
Seminar + Webinar
February 2023
Join members of our Labour + Employment Group for our annual Year in Review, which focuses on legal updates for management and employee groups.
Part 2 of this series will cover Privacy, Employment and Human Rights. To view the recording for Part 1, which covered Labour, Occupational Health + Safety and Immigration, please click here.
Privacy Presented by Kelly Nicholson + Katrina Haymond, KC
- A Reasonable Expectation of Privacy in the Workplace: New Developments
- The Ontario Court of Appeal Defines the Scope of Intrusion Upon Seclusion
- Privacy in the Pandemic: How Much Information are Employers Entitled to Know?
Human Rights Presented by former partner Ayla Akgungor + Austin Ward
- Trend Towards Increased Damages Awards Arrives in Alberta
- Legislative + Process Changes Under the Alberta Human Rights Act
- Adding Parties to Human Rights Complaints
- Update on COVID Religious Exemption Cases
Employment Presented by Lee Carter + Caitlyn Field
- Significance of Precise Drafting in Termination Clauses
- Vaccination, Testing + Masking Policies (Non-Unionized Setting)
- Impact of COVID-19 on Constructive Dismissal Claims + Damage Awards
Check out previews of the session below:
This session has been approved by CPHR Alberta for 2 CPD hours. |
Questions? Contact krieger@fieldlaw.com