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Discipline Tribunal Essentials: Fundamental Skills
Virtual Workshop

Members of regulated professions who serve on discipline tribunals must navigate an increasingly complex environment when fulfilling their role under their governing statutes. 

Join Gregory Sim, Kimberly Precht and Vivian Stevenson, KC for the first installment of a half-day virtual workshop series. The first workshop is designed to provide tribunal members with limited experience with the tools needed to serve in their role effectively in any Canadian jurisdiction. Topics covered will include:

  • Overview of the professional conduct process
  • Standard steps in contested and uncontested hearings
  • How to respond to procedural objections
  • Assessing allegations of unprofessional conduct
  • Private/off duty conduct
  • Avoiding reasonable apprehension of bias
  • Considerations with respect to penalty
  • Content of written reasons
  • Engaging in effective caucus sessions
  • Tips and traps for conduct of members of the discipline tribunal

Participants will have the opportunity to apply the information provided through discussion of several scenarios, based on issues that commonly arise in the context of a professional discipline hearing.

Who should attend? This workshop is specifically designed for members of discipline tribunals in any Canadian jurisdiction who have limited hearing experience, and those with more experience who are seeking a refresher. Staff of regulatory organizations who work in the discipline area are also welcome to attend.

Date: Wednesday, June 5
Time: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM MT
Cost: $295/attendee

Questions? Contact Kate at