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Fore! The Perils of Procrastination

The case of Hourie-Peebles v. Dinosaur Trail Golf underscores the importance of timely legal actions. Martha May Hourie-Peebles' personal injury claim was dismissed due to inordinate and inexcusable delays, which significantly prejudiced Dinosaur Trail's ability to defend the case. This decision highlights critical lessons for litigants: advance claims diligently, ensure effective case management, maintain communication with legal counsel, and mitigate any potential prejudice caused by delays. Timely action is crucial to avoid the pitfalls of prolonged litigation.


In the legal world, the adage "justice delayed is justice denied" holds significant weight. The case of Hourie-Peebles v Dinosaur Trail Golf offers an enlightening perspective on these consequences. Although this case originated from a personal injury incident, the lessons drawn from it are broadly applicable to various types of litigation. Here, we explore the critical importance of timely action in legal proceedings and the potential consequences of inaction, with a detailed look at the Court’s decision in this notable case.

Case Background

The case began in August 2014 when Martha May Hourie-Peebles was injured by an errant golf ball while riding in a vehicle near Dinosaur Trail Golf Course. She filed her Statement of Claim nearly two years later in May 2016. Over the following eight years, progress in the case was slow and sporadic, leading to significant delays. The Defendant, Dinosaur Trail Golf and Country Club (“Dinosaur Trail”), eventually applied to dismiss the action under Rule 4.31 of the Alberta Rules of Court, citing inordinate and inexcusable delay that resulted in significant prejudice to their ability to defend the case.

Understanding Rule 4.31

Rule 4.31 allows a court to dismiss a claim if a delay causes significant prejudice to a party. If the delay is both inordinate and inexcusable, prejudice is presumed. This rule aims to ensure that litigation is conducted efficiently and fairly, preventing one party from suffering due to the prolonged inaction of another.

Detailed Analysis of the Court’s Decision

When this application was first heard, the Applications Judge initially acknowledged the delays and the presumed prejudice but chose not to dismiss the case. Instead, he issued a Procedure Order to expedite the process and mitigate further delays. He found that the delays were largely due to the Hourie-Peebles’ former counsel and believed Hourie-Peebles had not lost interest in the case.

However, on appeal, the Court emphasized that the significant litigation prejudice suffered by Dinosaur Trail warranted dismissal. Substantial periods of inactivity were identified: 20 months between the filing of the Statement of Claim and the initial Affidavit of Records, and another 36 months before a supplemental Affidavit was served. No significant actions were taken from June 2021 until the Rule 4.31 application in late 2023.

The Court of King’s Bench found that the nature of Dinosaur Trail’s prejudice - stemming from the inability to gather necessary evidence due to the passage of time - was substantial. The Dinosaur Trail employees who were present at the time of the incident had long since moved on, and the new ownership of the golf course further complicated matters.

The Court noted that sympathy for Hourie-Peebles, due to her counsel’s inaction, did not outweigh the substantial prejudice to Dinosaur Trail. The foundational principle of the Rules of Court is to resolve claims in a timely and cost-effective manner and the prolonged delay in this case contradicted this principle. Consequently, the Court concluded that Hourie-Peebles’ claim must be dismissed due to the significant and unremedied prejudice to Dinosaur Trail. The Procedure Order was set aside, and Hourie-Peebles’ claim was dismissed.

Broader Lessons for Litigants

The Hourie-Peebles case highlights several critical lessons for all litigants:

  • Timely Advancement of Claims: It is imperative for litigants to ensure their claims are advanced diligently. Prolonged inaction can jeopardize a case, regardless of its merits. Delays can lead to the loss of crucial evidence and make it difficult for the opposing party to defend themselves effectively.
  • Effective Case Management: It is essential to have legal counsel who prioritize effective case management. This includes promptly addressing any delays, regularly communicating with clients and opposing counsel, timely filing of necessary documents, and proactively engaging in all procedural aspects of the case.
  • Importance of Communication: Continuous and transparent communication between the client and their legal counsel is vital. It ensures that the client is kept informed about the progress of their case and that any issues are promptly addressed.
  • Mitigating Prejudice: In cases where delays occur, providing a clear, justified explanation and demonstrating efforts to mitigate prejudice are crucial. In Hourie-Peebles, the Plaintiff’s inability to adequately explain the delay contributed significantly to the dismissal. Litigants should work closely with their counsel to avoid such scenarios.


The Hourie-Peebles v Dinosaur Trail Golf case serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of inaction in litigation. For litigants, the case underscores the importance of maintaining momentum and managing cases effectively. Ensuring timely advancement of legal proceedings aligns with judicial expectations and protects the interests of all parties involved. At Field Law, we prioritize efficient case management and clear communication to help our clients avoid the pitfalls of delay and ensure their claims are resolved in a timely and cost-effective manner. If you are facing a legal dispute, contact Jordan Lalonde in Calgary, Jeremy Taylor in Edmonton, or any member of our Litigation Group for dedicated and proactive legal support.


An appeal of this decision has been filed but not yet heard.

Link to decision: Hourie-Peebles v Dinosaur Trail Golf, 2024 ABKB 324