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People, Pets + Parking: A Potpourri Q+A Session for Property Managers
Q+A Session

Join Erin Berney and John Gilbert for a complimentary webinar series designed for Property Managers based on the challenges seen most frequently: people, pets and parking. Have a legal question? Want to learn what other issues are plaguing property managers? Drop in for a few minutes to ask a question, or stay for the full hour and hear the discussion. Your questions guide the session and Erin and John will provide their legal perspectives.

Join us for a potpourri Q+A session where we’ll cover some of the hot topics we haven’t had a chance to cover yet this year, including:

  • What are the best practices around addressing noise and other occupancy-related complaints? 
  • How can a board set itself up for success when revising bylaws?
  • What are the top considerations for property managers working with bareland condos?
  • What are the options when dealing with uncooperative owners/occupants/tenants and repeat offenders?

Original broadcast: November 18, 2022


Questions? Contact Kate at